Don't ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country and it's not about the money.

Ismail Marzuki – Indonesia Pusaka

Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Tetap di puja-puja bangsa

Reff :
Di sana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Tempat akhir menutup mata

Sungguh indah tanah air beta
Tiada bandingnya di dunia
Karya indah Tuhan Maha Kuasa
Bagi bangsa yang memujanya

Reff :
Indonesia ibu pertiwi
Kau kupuja kau kukasihi
Tenagaku bahkan pun jiwaku
Kepadamu rela kuberi

- APB -

Who have the sparkle ? Who make brilliant ideas & humour more than money and work hardly for them ?

Nowadays, money becomes the new prison of creativity & innovation. Money, money and money make us become primitive of ideas or innovation killer.

But wait a minute. If we don't think very much about it, how we we can get it? Eureka! It's just simple. Don't rely on it. 

Just think competence improvement, innovation and creativity plus humour.
Think newly, think out of the box. 
And work hardly for them. 

So, who have the sparkle ? 

Who know the essence of entrepreunership or sociopreunership or technopreunership or etc?

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